Why not at home?

Vertical slats – Cozy or functional? We say both. The ideal privacy and sun protection for floor-to-ceiling window fronts. With each adjustment angle, they open up new, exciting prospects or they can be easily pushed aside completely. In subtle natural colors, they become a subtle part of the room, in bold colors or printed with chic decor they dare to make a bold statement. In any case, vertical slats pick up the architectural rhythm of the room.

A real pleasure. Clear, businesslike, homely.

Colors & decors

There is just so much to choose from, and every day more and more possibilities are added. Because vertical slats are also finding increasing use in private homes, they should look also good in addition to all functionality.

Fabrics for vertical slats are diverse and, if required, can provide additional benefits when used with special accessories. They can be flame retardant for use in buildings, antibacterial for medical practices, dirt and moisture repellent for use in the bathroom, reflective for offices – vertical slats prove their worth through effective functional properties.

White is passé. Vertical slats can do and be so much more. Blue, yellow and patterned for example. Why not combine different colors in one system? Take a look at our collection – you will be surprised by our color and design variants.

Technology & types

From narrow to wide – the choice is yours. We have different slat widths on offer with which you can achieve different effects for your rooms. Slanted windows and triangular windows can also be shaded with slats and curved rails provide momentum and variety. Or how about a refined room divider? From a technical standpoint, we offer two variants: Vertical systems with EOS technology as topline and our own technology as object line. Operating variants in the standard version are with a pull cord and reversing chain, as one-piece operation or with electric drive.

Vertical blinds - Büscher Sonnenschutz | Seit 1929

Büscher LINE insect screen systems

Vertical blinds - Büscher Sonnenschutz | Seit 1929

Smart Home

Vertical blinds - Büscher Sonnenschutz | Seit 1929

Insect screens


Vertical blinds - Büscher Sonnenschutz | Seit 1929


The special blend